Contact Us
General Info
Emergency On-Call Number
If you are experiencing an emergency while the practice is closed, there is a dentist on call 24/7 through the Nanaimo and District Dental Society. Contact our emergency dentist in Nanaimo at (250) 816-1029.
Are you connected to Ladysmith Smiles?
Yes! Dr. Nadia Stymiest and her team also help the community of Ladysmith smile at her first practice Ladysmith Smiles.
If you are a patient of Ladysmith Smiles and Nanaimo is a more convenient location for you, speak to our team about transferring to Nanaimo Smiles. You can expect the same exceptional experience at both our locations
What services do you offer?
Nanaimo Smiles dental clinic offers a comprehensive suite of dental services, including:
- Examinations
- Cleanings
- Invisalign
- Botox
- Whitening
- X-Rays
- Fluoride Treatments
- Sealants
- Fillings, Crowns, Bridges and Implant Restorations
- Root Canals
- Extractions and Dental Surgery